Media Release from Vermont Public Service Board
Montpelier, November 7, 2016 - The Vermont Public Service Board has released its latest proposal that would change the rules for Vermont's net-metering program. Net-metering allows electric customers to generate their own electricity and supply any excess power to their utility. The new proposal comes in response to Act 99 of 2014, in which the Legislature directed the Board to design a revised net-metering program for effect on January 1, 2017.
A major change from the current program is the use of price incentives to encourage the siting of net-metering systems in prefened locations. Currently, net-metering systems over 15 kW receive the same price regardless of size or location. The proposed rule sets different price levels to encourage siting in developed areas like roofs, parking lots, landfills, gravel pits and on town-prefened sites. The new rates contained in the proposed rule will not affect the rates paid to existing net-metering customers for a period of ten years from when those customers installed their net-metering systems.
The rule also provides simplified procedures for towns and members of the public to participate more easily in the review of net-metering applications. Using the Board's new electronic filing system, the public will soon be able to find information about proposed net-metering systems and participate in the review of pending applications online.
The Board is encouraging public input on the proposed rule. A public hearing will be held on Friday, November 18, 2016, from 10:00 A.M. until noon, in the Montpelier Room of the Capitol Plaza Hotel at 100 State Street in Montpelier, Vermont. Written comments should be filed by December 2 at or the Vermont Public Service Board, 112 State Street, 4th floor, Montpelier, VT 05620.
The text of the draft rule, additional details about the public hearings, and copies of comments already filed may be found on the Board's website:
For more information about the net-metering rule, contact: Jake Marren at the Public Service Board, 802-828-2358, or Attorney David Carpenter at Facey Goss & McPhee P.C., 802-665-2724,